20 years ago
p3k dots

colourful flies on corporate turd.

what we definitely need is an autonomous designer's guild; or aren't there any graphic designers using the gimp for their everyday work, yet?

somebody just should campaign "30 days of free graphic design" to prove that it's not only possible but even worthwhile to replace the commercial product with an open source solution. (and then help improve the overall design of linux world.)

i mean, hey! it could affect your creativity and maybe your style will become somehow different from the stampede. why not giving it a try?

sure, open source developers still have to face a lot of problems and questions to make graphic people happy...

nevertheless, it's high time to integrate open source graphics applications!

additionally, somebody else could write a tutorial "how to do it the gimp way", showing how to teach the gimp all these photoshop tricks i am so tired of. to make switching easier.

because designer's should finally wake up from their wet dreams of proprietary featuritis, loose their creative chains (nowadays aka adobe) and make a commitment to free software as well.

probably, they are one very important link in the chain to help breaking another bunch of monopolies in software development (actually, a pretty underrated issue and full with myths about good and bad).

and maybe that's also their chance to escape a similar destiny like the one of their predecessors: being glued on yet another typesetting machine manufacturer, a modern one but still as centralized, dominating and obscure.