it seems this blog becomes quite obsolete: i cannot find the time to write here, i am still involved too much in writing and protesting against the new government in austria. after 5 days of marching against corrupt conservative wanna-be-chancellor schuessel and joerg "fascist" haider i feel worn out and tired.
schuessel is now chancellor but he has to go again, soon. he, until yesterday still minister of foreign affairs, acted bloody incompetent and stupid by being surprised of his colleages, the other 14 ministers of foreign affairs in the other countries of the european community, to take steps against austria if far-right fpo will be included in the new government. he is the one who is responsible for this whole mess in austria.
here are a lot of friends that walk besides me. however, i feel sad that my german friends do not react at all on this crisis. some e-mails of them would give me hope and motivation to continue the struggle. did they forgot that i am here in vienna?
again, too tired, too many emotions, excuse me while i protest asleep...