recently, german hip-hop band die fantastischen vier released their mtv unplugged album. as christmas present mtv will broadcast the director's cut of their performance in the balver cave. smudo got some pictures of the rehearsel.
those memories can't wait: eight years ago, just at the beginning of their steep career, the german answer on the furious five gave an interview to a bunch of teenagers who maintained a li'l news magazine at the local youth club in a small village quite close to the homebase of the fantastic four. the mag was called "arnold" just like that styrian, uhm, "actor" and the premises of the club were almost too small for the suddenly successful act and its screaming girly admirers...
if i remember it right, it was smudo who designed the cover of that "arnold" issue: we asked him to draw his version of mr universum.
and.y, another member of the former "terminal team", leads way back into time with a "fanta 4 history" including some snippets of the early works of "cool cat" (aka smudo), "big boss" (and.y), thomas d and "king burger b" (deejot hausmarke). makes me curious about what became of that guy called "chicken mc d", who joined the team for two weeks but then left for good... yet another tragedy of fame on denial?