24 years ago
p3k dots

back from berlin, i am. “wie stehen die akazien?” i was asked by elke (on the right, but not at razorfish – not anymore…). “alles bonanza” i replied.

vienna sucked after i returned from london. today it sucked again. reason: there is nothing like dr seltsam’s frühschoppen (the salbader crew live and in touch) in vienna. well, berlin is bigger. more choices. in vienna you only have one. you do not have mcdonald’s and burger king, you only have mcdonald’s. and there’s only orf. and orf only. and everybody is reading kronenzeitung, everything unusual is a scandal or an event (and has to be related to art then).

after two days i will have gotten used to it again.

i am glad, though, that i could leave behind the 19th floor (it sounds more promising than it is in reality)…