19 years ago
p3k dots

japitools: Java API compatibility testing tools; including comparison results for classpath, libgcj, harmony, jnode and kaffe.

à propos free java: lately, i tried to compile rhinola again on my ubook and got the following output:

buntekuh:~/Desktop/rhinola$ ant gcjlib Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.0- Buildfile: build.xml


compile: [javac] Compiling 7 source files to ~/Desktop/rhinola/classes

BUILD FAILED ~/Desktop/rhinola/build.xml:50: Error running gcj compiler

Total time: 9 seconds

obviously, rhinola still needs some of sun's (still) proprietary java stuff – which i have had installed the last time when everything went so smoothly.

unfortunately, copying tools.jar from another jdk installation to the aforementioned directory does not alter the result (except for the "unable to locate" message). wtf?

anyway, the main question is: did i get the promising "gnu-compiled" buzz-phrase wrong or is there a free tools.jar somewhere that makes the magic happen?