18 years ago
p3k dots

modern people do not drive cars. cars are for dinosaurs. cars are too big, too dirty and represent vintage technology and uncivilized culture.

cars are not urban class. au contraire, in cities those clumpy four-wheel drives represent rural relics. cars are about power, dominion, animal instincts and consolidation of the ruling and rolling class.

they even are counter-revolutionary because better transportation is around but cars and car lobbyists keep them from evolving.

cars are stupid. now, then what are the people who tend to buy even bigger cars nowadays? cars which extend the size of common roads, which need even more of the luxurious combustible already getting scarce, cars which their conductors hardly can control, let alone estimate their dimensions pulling back or forth in everyday traffic?

cars represent a system and its failure. they are the cause and a symptom.

can the bicycle save civilization?

yes, some people need cars. that's ok. but i am pretty confident they will be happy with an equivalent replacement for their personal transportation. because they are not stupid.