18 years ago
p3k dots

how rabbit is rabbit?

quite some time ago i've left my ramblings at helma's wiki about helma needing a little bit too much of preparation for some quick and dirty prototyping.

and since do-it-yourself is probably the only reasonable motto if you want to achieve change, i so did it myself – and started a new project to take some action regarding at least a few of my conclusions.

thus, if you're interested in a simple helper for kind of rapid hoplication development (ie. getting helma to automatically create prototypes for you including directories, type- and db.properties and – yes! – most of all: sql tables) then i'd like to encourage you to download rabbit-428 (text/html, 10 KB) and hsqldb.jar.

put the latter into helma's lib/ext directory. the zip file goes into your application's directory. (i recommend a virgin app for maximum effect.)

(note: a recent helma installation containing the modules directory is required.)

now (re)start helma, point your browser to localhost:8080, click the button and... fingers crossed!

(As usual, documentation is missing... But I will add some further notes about Rabbit as soon as possible.)