24 years ago
p3k dots

because they knew that hans_heinz, who does not like to dance, will be linking the pixelshocking mobilesdisco today, german "page" magazine published some more urls of webtoys in their january issue:

well, everybody knows netbabyworld already, so i skip this one. bunko comes along with "digital duchamp" to give mona lisa a new hairdo ("dada-do"), the "excellerator" ("destroy the nasty losses by firing positive earnings"), the "bachelor machine" – whatever that is – and many more weird games (still discovering).

deco-vision is a good substitute for lsd trippin' (if you can find the enter link). very retro is the look of xperience.org but my loading (e)xperience was too bad to get into the main section... another well-known site (thanks to partykeller) is quickhoney, but their soap-machine deserves another special mention. rated x!.

ok, what's next? i do not have a clue why i should rebuild soviet union, maybe i'll find out later... "up to 10 participants can create a picture out of some elements provided and watch the evolution in the 'history section'" – the description of vectorama sounds promising but the site itself crashed my browser. give it another trial?

the most annyoing thing – although i do not have a better idea – is to apply for membership in many multiple users games. that's why the sissyfight takes place without me, yet.

finally and last but not least, sulake closes the circle: besides the disco they also built hotel kultakala, a similar site which is (as the name suggests) in finnish and that's already a reason for the game being funny.