did devjavu run out of money?
devjavu is a fine subversion and trac hosting platform, actually the one which does the job right. finally.
it provides pretty neat features and a sleak interface to manage your trac project. and its developers communicate about what's going on behind the curtains in the devjavu blog.
devjavu is the shining star among the modern, professional project hosting services.
or rather: it was until the beginning of june 2007.
that's about the time of the last posting to the devjavu blog. even worse, the developer's personal blogs (which are linked from there) have not been updated already since september 2006, january and may 2007. the only new entry (yesterday) is at andy smith's weblog - after more than a month of silence.
(at least a reason to post an off-topic question there. maybe i'll get an answer this way.)
when i applied for an invitation to host a project at devjavu via e-mail in april, i got an immediate response, including the offer to install the existing trac data on devjavu's servers.
when i finally asked again for this favor in may (and again in june) sending to different mail addresses i did not get any reply anymore.
same with the devjavu forums which in the meantime have ceased to even exist.
as a conclusion, the project won't be hosted there any longer. (luckily, the location was not communicated, yet anyway.)
and no complaints (though this posting inevitably might sound alike); the comments are open if anyone knows something about what happened to devjavu. and for those who are in a similar situation you might know you're not alone.