Outbound Link Summary:
Network 3000:
17 years ago

what more can i say than: it works! (os x 10.4)
here is how:
- get helma2:
svn co http://hopdev.helma.org/svn/helma/trunk/ helma2
- get junit.jar and move it to /Developers/Java/Ant/lib
- build helma2:
ant jar
- create the directory for jetty's output:
mkdir logs
- try the shell:
java -cp lib -jar shell.jar
- start the server:
java -cp lib -jar server.jar ./web/app/
- voilà: http://localhost:8080/test
i did this in approximately 10 minutes, after some brute trial and error how to correctly define the application path in the server.jar argument.
if a java stoopid (yours truly) can do this, you can do so, too!