Outbound Link Summary:
23 years ago
p3k dots

some rant about an old, old story: i wish somebody would start to log the unspeakable semantic outbursts the sobriety-twisted minds of institutionalised media theorists (aka art clerks) rape the poor receipient with. no matter where i look at – synworld, phonotaktik, stealing eyeballs – i find hilarious ideas and tendentiously stupid words in disguise with artificial terminology and a super-arrogant tone of voice.

recent example is ars electronica guy gerfried stocker (again) and the latest of his nocturnal emissions for this year's aec event which almost surpasses konrad becker's nonsense creations.

"die veränderten rahmenbedingungen künstlerischen arbeitens und wirkens in unserer von informations- und kommunikationstechnologien bestimmten welt haben neue formen der kunst verursacht."

while this intro is not so far from being acceptable, the real bullshit starts in the next sentence:

"signifikant ist die verlagerung ihrer präsenz in sphären außerhalb des kunstbetriebs und zunehmend auch in das für die medienkunst geo-kulturelle neuland der emerging economies. der digitalen revolution folgt ein creativity burst, der als qualitatives phänomen weit über die zunahme derer hinaus geht, die an gestalterischen aufgaben und herausforderungen im professionellen wie amateurhaften milieu arbeiten."

and it goes on like this... who is willing to read any further can read the whole text (in english it's probably not that bad unless you are a native speaker).

however, i've read enough and hence nominate mr stocker as a favorite candidate for this year's drool award.

"like a dull knife that just can't cut just talking a lot and saying nothing and sayin' nothing, and sayin' nothing." – bobby byrd, "talkin' loud and sayin' nothing"