24 years ago
p3k dots

i would not boast my stomach being the strongest but still one that can cope even with quite disgusting things (e.g. natto). however, it became quite slack when i accidentally zapped to that horrific video of the jerusalem wedding disaster being showed at euronews.

at telepolis ernst corinth is upset that cnn links to a streamlined internet version of the video. rightfully, the reader comments state that it already was shown almost everywhere and ask if web writers tend to factor out traditional publishing channels.

nevertheless, this video is worth a discussion. it looks so much like a perfect stunt in an average catastrophe movie that for most viewers it probably won't make any difference from fiction. and that scares me slightly. just as it did when a friend of mine stated that he did not feel emotional about it. the same friend once was shocked when there was circulating an audio recording with the last words on a cockpit voice recorder shortly before the airplane crashed.

that leads me to the conclusion that it might depend on one's daily constitution whether or how much one feels or doesn't feel about the perpetual tragedy that's surrounding us.

recently i witnessed the fictional kaycee story being taken for the truth. now a real drama impends to be taken for fiction. is there a perversion gaining weight? or just the disillusion of an ordinary epidermis among numb bodies?