14 years ago
p3k dots

with or without much further ado.

i created my first sproutcore application: faceback.

it empowers every facebook user to reclaim their data for their own purpose!

well, actually that means all posts of a profile at facebook.com can be copied to an antville weblog – and currently even more specifically: to one very chosen antville weblog inside the antville.org testing environment.

to get things started you need to be logged in to both, facebook and the virtual antville site. then navigate to faceback.antville.org and you should see all (or at least: most) of your posts in your profile.

selecting a list item from the left pane should highlight it and display the actual post contents (date, title, probably an image with a link etc.) – which then can be imported to the antville site clicking the “import” button.

please check it out (but be aware you are about to free your content from the ghetto!) and feel free to post a comment and let me know how it works for you. praise is always welcome!

of course, the goal is to import to your very own antville weblog – but that still needs some polishing in the antville codebase.

regarding sproutcore i must say the developers did an amazing job (thank you very much!) but the sproutcore documentation totally spoils the fun i tried so hard to have during development.

as you might have already guessed it: documenting javascript certainly is b-r-o-k-e-n!