i am thinking and tinkering a lot lately regarding how to refocus on this blog and synchronize (or rather: syndicate) it with some of my activities in those corporate content silos aka social networks.
as my facebook profile is for friends’ eyes only (and of course for those of zuck and his subordinate dataminers) an automatic post from there to here was not an option.
so i decided to add twitter’s “tweet this” button (without counter) to each blog story, only visible in the single story display.
thus, i can opt-in notifying a p3k.org story to the twitter followers and, due to my twitter account being connected to facebook, the friends over there.
together with the reïncarnated antville bookmarklet, this should rekindle my ever-smoldering blogging fire. still needs some tweaking for mobile action, though.
last but not least, there is “faceback”, which one day should enable me to reïntegrate those facebook posts worth a public appearance into this weblog.
tldr; i want to blog more often again and you will see more syndicated p3k content on facebook and twitter. hopefully :)