Yesterday I linked to unhosted.org and from there, suddenly a whole new world opened up for me. Dozens of further links providing wonderful insights and a huge reminder of what the web actually means to me:
freedomboxfoundation.org, remotestorage.io, 5apps.com, appcloudy.com, pouchdb.com, lawnchair, webfinger, owncloud.org, tahoe-lafs.org.
No doubt, here is some movement going on (although the unhosted manifesto is already more than two years old) to do something about the issue of shoving our beloved data into the greedy mouths of those corporate content silos – a term I think I first read at scripting.com.
Not by chance also Dave Winer just recently affirmed that he is “on the Web Team”.
Sure is: I want to be on the Web Team, too. Question is, though: am I?