11 years ago
p3k dots

How to run loggerhead via WSGI and Apache 2.4.

I did not find a complete instructional for doing this so I wrote down what I had to do to make it work on the “saucy” Ubuntu (13.10).

  1. Copied the file /usr/share/doc/loggerhead/examples/apache-loggerhead.conf to /etc/apache2/config-available/loggerhead.conf
  2. Modified the following lines: WSGIDaemonProcess loggerhead user=www-data group=www-data maximum-requests=1000 display-name=loggerhead processes=4 threads=1 WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/apache
  3. Enabled the configuration by a2enconf loggerhead
  4. Copied the file /usr/share/doc/loggerhead/examples/bazaar.conf to /var/www/.bazaar/bazaar.conf
  5. Created the directory /var/cache/loggerhead and changed access permissions by chown www-data:www-data /var/cache/loggerhead
  6. Disabled the loggerhead upstart service by echo 'manual' >> /etc/init/loggerhead.override
  7. Restarted Apache by service apache2 restart

Of course, you also need to adapt the URL and file paths to your Bazaar repositories according to your setup.