10 years ago
p3k dots

So Android can be configured for Internet calls using a free SIP account, and it’s actually pretty easy!?

Well, at least all I had to do is register an account at a SIP provider (I chose www.getonsip.com just by chance) and then I configured my phone accordingly using one of the many how-tos out there:

  1. Open the dialer app
  2. Open its settings
  3. Tap “Internet Call”
  4. Tick the checkbox for “Use Internet calling”
  5. Tap “Accounts”
  6. Tap “Add Account”
  7. Enter the credentials from your SIP provider and save
  8. Optionally, tick the checkbox for “Receive incoming calls” (if your battery allows it)

And now I am obviously reachable via p3k@getonsip.com – or even via URL from within your browser: www.getonsip.com (Dare to try it?)

However, I could not figure out, yet, how to call an SIP account using the dialer app – even after I added an address to the corresponding “Internet call” field in the contacts app.