25 years ago
p3k dots

yesterday i had dinner with claudia at kiang (where you probably can get some spicy noodles, too). we were talking a lot about weblogs, that's for sure. as the collaborative part of helma retired we happily noticed that there is a life after, that there are many more weblogs than we were able to see being stuck in our little helmaworld.

however, weblogs haven't got big time in europa, yet. and the "biggest assumable desaster" (ie. bad) would be when people jump on the logtrain without a sense and respect for the community that came the long way, baby.

(excuse me getting pathétique...)

sure, there is some vanity within it – and vanity kills (it don't pay bills). but i just imagine somebody would start to profitably use our links but dismiss our urls... any numb effort to exploit the webloggers will give damage to the idea and the sense of weblogging. and i am highly sceptical about too many people getting the net, yet. not to mention weblogs.