Outbound Link Summary:
Sunday, 20. October 12024
p3k dots

The Copenhagen interpretation of web authentication.

The Copenhagen Book provides a general guideline on implementing auth in web applications.

It is free, open-source, and community-maintained. It may be opinionated or incomplete at times but we hope this fills a certain void in online resources.

Exploring the intertwingularity of a docs site.

Hierarchical and sequential structures, especially popular since Gutenberg, are usually forced and artificial. Intertwingularity is not generally acknowledged—people keep pretending they can make things hierarchical, categorizable and sequential when they can’t.
– Ted Nelson

ISO/OSI, ick hör DIr trapsen…

Das Signalling System #7, zu deutsch Signalisierungssystem Nummer 7, (im weiteren SS7 genannt) ist eine Sammlung von Protokollen und Verfahren für die Signalisierung in Telekommunikationsnetzen.

Mysterious human brain.

Anton syndrome.

Those who have it are cortically blind, but affirm, often quite adamantly and in the face of clear evidence of their blindness, that they are capable of seeing.

How to not royally fuck up your public services.

The UK government’s Service Manual.

Helping teams to create and run great public services that meet the Service Standard.

A recommendation by K.

Sitina 1 – Open-source 35mm full-frame (36mm x 24mm) CCD mirror-less interchangable lens camera (MILC).

The original goal of this project was to create a digital camera back to convert SLR cameras to DSLR cameras, but has since changed to build a full MILC.

Source: gitlab.com
Friday, 18. October 12024
p3k dots

Some long-needed server 💙

Just upgraded from Debian 11 to 12. And while I was at it rescaled the vServer at Hetzner from two cores to four – which is even cheaper: I save about four €uros per month. And it was just a few clicks. Oddly satisfying.

Update: Why certainly, there were some (not so obvious) issues:

  • SSH users moved from the _ssh group in /etc/groups to AllowUsers in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • spamd was not installed, anymore
  • dovecot had a permission issue with an acme.sh certificate
  • I had to rebuild the json3k services

Through the mail issues I found several ancient mbox files in /var/mail that contained messages that must have been slipped through the milter, probably at a time the mail server was configured with maildrop (now it’s procmail). Spring Fall cleaning FTW!

Thursday, 17. October 12024
p3k dots

Every – A daily newsletter on what comes next in tech.

Language models are trained by a simple trick.
We give them a line of text and ask them, “What comes next?”
We do this over and over again, and eventually, they learn to complete the line.
By this trick language models have learned to write poetry, prose, and quantum physics. It works because in text, as in life, what’s past is prologue.