Outbound Link Summary:
Monday, 22. April 12024
p3k dots


(Via smashingmagazine.com.)


Holzleder® wird aus Holzfasern gewonnen, welche mehrschichtig vernetzt werden. Somit entsteht ein reiß- und abriebfestes Material, welches wie Leder verarbeitet wird, im Unterschied zu diesem aber nur 1/4 des Gewichts hat und komplett wasserunempfindlich ist.

Source: 2g8er.com

Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua.

keylocker is a kernel script that implements Konami Code for locking and unlocking the console keyboard.

Hidden dependencies in Linux binaries.

I have recently released an open source tool called sotrace. It maps out the .so dependencies for a binary or library, and presents them in a nice graph.

It's a clear, bright and harsh October sun
Lights me up so I've nowhere left to run
I feel scared I have so much debt to pay
Like a bad dream that never goes away

SFB Deutsch in Österreich.

Der FWF Spezialforschungsbereich (SFB) „Deutsch in Österreich. Variation – Kontakt – Perzeption“ (F 60) beschäftigt sich mit der Vielfalt und dem Wandel der deutschen Sprache in Österreich. Die drei thematischen Säulen des Projekts sind Variation, Kontakt und Perzeption. Das heißt: Der SFB behandelt den Gebrauch und die subjektive Wahrnehmung von deutscher Sprache in Österreich und zeigt Einflüsse durch Kontaktsprachen auf.

Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things.


Source: tonsky.me

Designing With Integrity: The Ethical Designer's Handbook On Dark Patterns.

In the digital age, where user experience reigns supreme, the design landscape is constantly evolving. However, amidst the pursuit of innovation and engagement, there exists a darker side known as dark patterns. These deceptive design tactics, intended to manipulate users into actions they may not have intended, pose a significant ethical dilemma in the realm of design. This article delves into the prevalence of dark patterns, the importance of ethical design principles, and serves as a guide for designers committed to creating with integrity.

Saturday, 30. March 12024
p3k dots

The Price is (NOT!) Right – Repair edition.

We organised this game of "The Price is (NOT!) Right – Repair edition" in Brussels to show policymakers the outrageous and unfair reality of spare part prices. Thankfully, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) of the EU Parliament approved new repair rules introducing provisions to tackle the high cost of repair, promoting an open repair ecosystem and banning anti-repair practices.

Relevant: A comprehensive overview of the current repair incentive systems: repair funds and vouchers.

Mental Health in Open Source.

One interesting thing about Open Source is that one is probably never prepared. You might encounter tricky technical problems, or have to keep up with the new technologies, but there are also a bunch of things other than coding that you have to deal with. You have to be your customer support to answer questions; be a designer, a writer to prepare nice documentation; a project manager to keep the project on track; a team leader to onboard new contributors and keep the team motivated; marketing your stuff; speaking at conferences; and so on. Those are the "side-effects" of being an open source developer, many things come to you in a bundle, not only the code.