Tears roll down your face
There was nothing left to say
How much I loved you
And I wish that we could grow.
— Sharon van Etten, How it ends (O.S.T.)

Something went wrong – Ways out of the JavaScript crisis.
When your Rust-based build tool churns out 20 MB of client-side JavaScript in milliseconds and your dev server hot-reloads those 20 MB in milliseconds, you don’t feel the devastation this causes for your users.

I did not know there is “The Great Divide” in JavaScriptLand… but then again, I am living under a hard place.
Cocteau Twins: Aikea-Guinea.
The Infinite Conversation – A never-ending conversation between Bavarian director Werner Herzog and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. (Via conspirator0.substack.com).
This project aims to raise awareness about the ease of using tools for synthesizing a real voice. Right now, any motivated fool can do this with a laptop in their bedroom. This changes our relationship with the media we consume online and raises questions about the importance of authoritative sources, breach of trust and gullibility.
Just a phase they’re bro-ing through.
Even the most cynical of us have to agree that Zuck’s new workout regime, haircut and gold chains are a dramatic change for the better. Elon’s penchant for leather jackets considerably less so. But the gold medal for dramatic self-case surely belongs to Peter Thiel who reportedly takes blood transfusions from youngsters to keep himself spritely.

kuenstlerbundbadenwuerttemberg 3 x 48 Stunden: Rückblick auf die Woche 3.
Relevant: tine-schumann.de.
McBroken – Is the McDonald’s ice cream machine broken?
Relevant: What's inside the QR code menu at this cafe?
Vai, abandona a morte em vida em que hoje estás
Há um lugar onde essa angústia se desfaz
E o veneno e a solidão mudam de cor
Há ainda o amor
— Taiguara
Relevant: The movie Omni Loop – with more wonderful soundtrack by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith!

Sell your big stupid car.
Just stumbled over the Rye language and glancing over its examples I thought to myself, this looks familiar! And indeed:
Rye is a high level, homoiconic dynamic programming language based on ideas from Rebol, flavored by Factor, Linux shell and Go.