Write Bug Reports Developers Love.
A simple checklist of the essential items to include in your bug reports.

Incubating a humane dynamic medium.

TIL Anton Bruckner “had a compulsion to count things continually”:
In medical terms, this is called “numeromania” and professionally classified under compulsive disorders. He obsessively counted windows of building, cobblestones on the road, and number of bricks in a wall. Even worse, he continually counted the number of bars in his enormous orchestral scores to make sure their proportions were statistically correct.
Relevant: The Strange Affliction of Anton Bruckner (1990).
Down a rabbit hole…
From Dracunculiasis (via Alien and H. R. Giger) to Giger Bar, Maison d’Ailleurs and Wiener Schule des Phantastischen Realismus and over to Dado’s paintings and the gallery of Szukalski art.
Afrah Shafiq: Where Do The Ants Go?
Audiences can enter a large-scale sculpture of an anthill to interact with a digital colony of ants that live within an immersive video game inside. Using real time inputs, “players” within the anthill make choices that affect the behaviour of the individual ants and the collective outcome of the colony.

The Zone of Interest – Wie in einem oscarprämierten Film aus Auschwitz ein Geräusch über die Juden wird.
Glazer stellt sich mit seinem Rudolf Höß auf eine Stufe mit Arendt und ihrem Adolf Eichmann. Er macht damit das Böse so klein und trivial, dass noch der mieseste Geschichtsrelativierer mitgehen kann. Wozu der Mensch fähig ist, weiß man schon lange. Das muss uns Jonathan Glazer nicht erklären, schon gar nicht auf dem Rücken der Juden und ihres Schicksals.
“India, that is Bharat…”
The secret inside One Million Checkboxes.
Teens wrote secret binary messages in One Million Checkboxes. I found them.

Bregenz/erwald Bucket List 2024
- [ ] Andelsbuch
- [ ] Feldkirch
- [ ] Friedrichshafen
- [x] Hittisau
- [x] Hohenems
- [x] Käsknöpfle (5⨉!)
- [x] Kunsthaus
- [x] Landesmuseum
- [x] Langenargen
- [x] Lindau
- [x] Mehrerau
- [x] Minigolf
- [x] Pfänder
- [x] Segeln
- [ ] Winterthur
Relevant: Sag mir wo die Felchen sind.
Sisters With Transistors is more than a music documentary. It's a long overdue tribute to the women that broke barriers in music, technology, and society as a whole. This is not a retrospective, it's a new beginning. Who knows how many future maestros will be inspired by this film?
Relevant: Leah Kardos.