signal-export – PDF friendly.
Export and backup your Signal chats to markdown files with attachments, in a format that can be exported to PDF.
Feministische Wissenschaftstheorie
Viele Ansätze der feministischen Wissenschaftstheorie, wie auch allgemein der feministischen Philosophie, sind stark durch die philosophische Postmoderne beeinflusst. Diese lässt sich als die radikalste Interpretation der linguistischen Wende verstehen. Die zentrale These der linguistischen Wende lautet in Anlehnung an Ludwig Wittgenstein, dass der Zugang zur Wirklichkeit dem Menschen immer nur durch die Sprache vermittelt möglich sei. Da mit einem sprachlichen System auch immer eine bestimmte Perspektive einhergeht, wird im Rahmen der linguistischen Wende oft davon ausgegangen, dass ein rein objektiver Zugang zur Welt, der jede subjektive Perspektive ausschließt, nicht möglich sei. Man könne letztlich nicht aus der eigenen, menschlichen und sprachlich vermittelten Perspektive heraustreten. Von postmoderner Seite wird diese Annahme nun dahingehend radikalisiert, dass behauptet wird, die Idee einer spezifizierten Realität jenseits jeder menschlich-subjektiven Perspektive sei sinnlos.
Die postmoderne feministische Wissenschaftstheorie zieht daraus nun die Konsequenz, dass auch die Annahme von Geschlechtern jenseits begrifflicher Ordnungen sinnlos sei. Man könne sich daher nicht auf eine vorsprachliche Geschlechterordnung berufen, vielmehr würden die Geschlechter in den sprachlichen Praktiken konstruiert.
Creating a Culture of Documentation.
Documentation is one of those things that often gets overlooked. After all, it’s not strictly required for your code to run! But there is a great amount of value to be gained by creating a culture of documentation. I’m not talking about the “low quality” documentation that insists on simply re-writing in prose the name of the variable.
What Ukraine Has Lost?
The havoc Russia has wreaked in Ukraine. (My title. A better one.)
We measured every town, street and building blown apart in Ukraine to show the first comprehensive picture of where people can’t return home.
Yay, I finally understood currying!
How to compose JavaScript functions that take multiple parameters (the epic guide).
Function composition is beautiful. It lets us create elegant function pipelines. And when everything lines up, the data flows like maple syrup over pancakes. But what happens when the functions don’t line up? What if some of those functions expect more than one argument? What do we do?
Not Dead Yet is a national, grassroots disability rights group that opposes legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination.
Mintter is a decentralized knowledge collaboration application for open communities powered by a knowledge graph.
Radon: Testing your home for the earth’s evil vapors.
Unlike other dangerous exposures to carcinogens, with radon there are no careless manufacturers or derailed trains full of chemicals to blame. Radon gas has emanated from the Earth’s crust for millenia, and it only became a problem with the invention of the indoors, where the radon gas that seeps from rocks becomes trapped and accumulates. Without a villain, the onus is on individuals to determine whether their homes are built over a radon-breathing crack in the earth.
Unraveling the Many Mysteries of Tituba, the Star Witness of the Salem Witch Trials.
Her history was written by men, working when African voodoo was more electrifying than outmoded English witchcraft. All wrote after the Civil War, when a slave was understood to be black.
AI's cozy crony capitalism: Regulating artificial intelligence presents a “Baptists and bootleggers” problem.
Something similar to the licensing control suggested by Altman was used by Queen Elizabeth I in 16th century England. She assigned transferable printing rights to a particular printing guild member in a frustrated effort to regulate and censor printing.
Altman's moral appeal rests on the notion of preserving a nation of people or their way of life. In that way, it satisfies the "Baptist" component of the bootleggers and Baptists theory of regulation, which I developed decades ago and which explains why calls to "regulate me" may be seen as just about businesses earning extra profits.