The Many Lives of Null Island.
Null Island is not just a silly place to think about when cartographers are bored, it is a phenomenon that repeatedly and annoyingly asserts itself in the middle of day-to-day cartographic work, often when you least expect it.

The player takes control of Andreas Maler, a journeyman artist from Nuremberg who becomes embroiled in a series of murder mysteries in Upper Bavaria.[3] The story is set in the fictional Alpine town of Tassing and the nearby Benedictine Kiersau Abbey during the 16th century, and takes place over the course of 25 years.
Relevant: Josh Sawyer.
The Historical Case for Fair Source.
Fair Source is software that is safe for companies to share and developers to use. We need it because, historically, Open Source has been an ambiguous term, applied to both community and commercial projects. By introducing a new term for commercial projects, Fair Source, we can set better expectations with developers, reduce pressure to change the Open Source Definition, and free up more companies to share their core software products.
Known as right angle with downwards zigzag arrow, angle with down zig-zag arrow,
, and⍼
, no one knows what ⍼ is meant to represent or where it originated from.

And they call me pessimistic…
Der Deutschen Bahn helfen weder mehr Geld, noch mehr Wettbewerb. (Via concord.antville.org).
There goes the backwards-compatibility…
Something must have happened with tables and browsers (at least the WebKit ones) in the last ~10 (15?) years: Formerly pixel-perfect table layouts *cough* turned into monstrosities with overly long lines overflowing not only the table but even the window.
This archived ORF.at story shows the same symptoms as older Antville.org sites did until I applied a CSS fix… 🧐
De l’inconvénient d’être né is a 1973 philosophy book by Romanian author Emil Cioran.
Relevant: Simone Weil.
Well played, Greenpeace! 💪
Wo wird Österreich zubetoniert? Das sind Österreichs 9 Betonschätze!
Parkplätze, Einkaufszentren & Industriegebiete: Wir suchen Österreichs schlimmste Bodenversiegelung.

Japanese web design: weird, but it works. Here's why. (Via reddit.com).
Relevant: Why Japanese Websites Look So Different.
Or: Why western websites look so different #ftfy
Relevant 2: The peculiar case of japanese web design.