Outbound Link Summary:
Monday, 22. April 12024
p3k dots

Autonomous weapons, Peter Thiel, Anduril Industries, NixOS will kill us all.

Open letter to the NixOS foundation.

We are all tired.

The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet.

Serendipitous peanut-butter-and-jelly hyperlinking moment, which is ironically what made the old internet (RIP) so great. Then the damn Trisolarans arrived and ruined everything.

The Market for Lemons.

No, we need to move our attention back to the folks that have been right all along. The people who never gave up on semantic markup, CSS, and progressive enhancement for most sites. The people who, when slinging JS, have treated it as special occasion food.
It's not healing, and it won't be enough to nurse the web back to health, but tossing the Vercels and the Facebooks out of polite conversation is, at least, a start.

The number 6174 is known as Kaprekar's constant (via demian.ferrei.ro).

  1. Take any four-digit number, using at least two different digits (leading zeros are allowed).
  2. Arrange the digits in descending and then in ascending order to get two four-digit numbers, adding leading zeros if necessary.
  3. Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number.
  4. Go back to step 2 and repeat.

Desinformation auf Messengerdienst: Wer kontrolliert Telegram?

Dass Telegram für die Staaten so unantastbar sei, wie die Plattform selbst gern glauben mache, sei ein Irrtum, sagt der Gründer des CeMAS-Instituts, Josef Holnburger. „Bei genügend Druck beugt sich Telegram. Auch wenn sie angeben, dass sie nie mit Staaten kooperieren – die Historie zeigt, dass das nicht stimmt.“


(Via smashingmagazine.com.)


Holzleder® wird aus Holzfasern gewonnen, welche mehrschichtig vernetzt werden. Somit entsteht ein reiß- und abriebfestes Material, welches wie Leder verarbeitet wird, im Unterschied zu diesem aber nur 1/4 des Gewichts hat und komplett wasserunempfindlich ist.

Source: 2g8er.com

Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua.

keylocker is a kernel script that implements Konami Code for locking and unlocking the console keyboard.

Hidden dependencies in Linux binaries.

I have recently released an open source tool called sotrace. It maps out the .so dependencies for a binary or library, and presents them in a nice graph.

It's a clear, bright and harsh October sun
Lights me up so I've nowhere left to run
I feel scared I have so much debt to pay
Like a bad dream that never goes away