Economic, financial and legal information about European companies: online research, data and API.
Decentralized chat suggestions by P.
Relevant: The Willow Sideloading Protocol presents a way for peers to transmit data to each other asynchronously and via completely user-improvised channels.
Film recommendation by N.
In Colombia, the "whites" think that the Indian of Amazonia does not feel anything because there are no words in his language to express feelings. Is it possible that a whole people feel nothing and have no words to speak of love?
The abyss at the edge of human understanding – a voyage into a black hole.
This NASA simulation lets viewers into the extraordinary spectacle of entering a blackhole (minus the spaghettification).

A Grand Unified Theory of the AI Hype Cycle.
I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot repeat history exactly. However, I can rhyme with it.
&udm=14 – the disenshittification Konami code.
If you want to give people easy access to an AI-free Google search, send them to this page.

I hardly can believe I managed to modify Helma’s and Rhino’s Java code in ways Helma now works together with a patched Rhino 1.7.15 and the latest Jetty 12 – all running this very blog right now under your fingerbobs!

Es gibt eine ganz einfache Rechnung, mit der sie jede Spar- und Veranlagungsform auf Erfolg testen können – bevor Sie blind irgendetwas abschließen.

Schach-Ikone Nona Gaprindashvili: Eine intellektuelle Revolution.
Nona Gaprindashvili aus Georgien war die erste Schachspielerin, die vom Weltverband den Titel Großmeisterin verliehen bekam. (…) Die Netflix-Serie „Queens Gambit“ ist teilweise auf ihrem Leben aufgebaut, ohne sie zu nennen, weswegen sie 2021 Klage einreichte. 2022 einigten sich der Sender und die Schachspielerin außergerichtlich.
When Doves Type.
Remnants of a Legendary Typeface Rescued From the River Thames.
Green managed to recover a total of 151 sorts (the name for individual pieces of type) out of a possible 500,000. “It’s a tiny fraction, but when I was down by the river on my own, for one second it all felt very cosmic,” he said. “It was like Cobden-Sanderson had dropped the type from the bridge and straight into my hands. Time just collapsed.”
Relevant: Doves Press.