Outbound Link Summary:
Friday, 5. January 12024
p3k dots

Paged Out! is a free experimental (one article == one page) technical magazine about programming (especially programming tricks!), hacking, security hacking, retro computers, modern computers, electronics, demoscene, and other similar topics.

Saturday, 30. December 12023
p3k dots

Starting with today, Antville can process images in WebP format, a missing feature that bit me plenty of times – so much that it is a bit weird it took me so long to make this work.

Adding insult to injury, it did not even take any implementation, just adding an ImageIO plugin to Helma and a case for the mime type to Antville… 😅

Update: Oh, almost forgot to configure AddType image/webp .webp for Apache!

Update 2: Alternative, and maybe the better way to enable WebP support in Apache: enabling it system-wide by adding image/webp webp to /etc/mime.types.

It irks me this is not supported out of the (Apache/Bullseye) box…

Friday, 29. December 12023
p3k dots

Hochwasser und Überschwemmungen in Deutschland: Die Lage in Bildern.

Vera Russwurm präsentiert die Neue Österreichische Welle.

The Cosmetics: Hello Man.

Relevant: Noch kein Wikipedia-Artikel für die Cosmetics… 😿

From the “I am doing more technical writing again, lately” dept.

Advent of Technical Writing.

In the Advent of Technical Writing series, I share something I have learned from my experience as a technical writer. My experience is primarily in software technical writing, but what you read may apply to different fields, too.

Relevant: Software Technical Writing – A Guidebook.

Argumente gegen Antisemitismus.

Eine Kippa tragen, in der Schule von Chanukka erzählen, Hebräisch auf der Straße sprechen – das können Juden und Jüdinnen in Deutschland nicht ohne ein mulmiges Gefühl machen. Judenhass ist immer noch tief verwurzelt in unserer Gesellschaft. Deswegen decken wir hier zehn antisemitische Mythen auf, erklären, was daran problematisch ist und zeigen Dir, was Du dagegen sagen kannst.

Lynn Fisher is a web designer, CSS developer, and artist from Phoenix, Arizona.

Transhumanism: “The World’s Most Dangerous Idea”.

This is a super satisfying video channel I am very glad I found: spot-on topics I am interested in, wittily explained and cleverly acted out – I could listen to Abigail Thorn’s voice for hours and watch her talking about questions of today’s modern life and the search for their potential answers in (modern) philosophy! (Well, I do, actually…) The empowerment is so refreshing and appreciable, she even convinced me to sign up for Nebula, eventually!


htmx is a erlang.

htmx allows dynamic content replacement, where the content can also issue commands to the current page, including but not limited to also further requesting more remote content to fetch and replace.