A skinny boy holding a toad in his hand and dozing off at the disco¹.
Now that I found out Gari Garikun is a japanese popsicle – with flavors ranging from plum and mandarine to Napolitan spaghetti and fried egg 😳 – I am even more confused by the text spoken in German in the introduction of Denki Groove’s song² with the same title…
Dies ist kein glücklicher Zufall / In einer dunklen, stillen Welt / gab es diese einzelne Zelle / die expandierte und sich multiplizierte / und drei lebende Kreaturen gebar.
Natürlich sind sie weder Mensch, noch Tier / aber in ihren hässlichen Körpern / fließt ein Blut namens Gerechtigkeit.
Man nennt sie: Garigari Kun.

² Location-based restrictions apply

I was having an excellent ramen at Tomochan together with M. yesterday – and even won a cool tote bag, because I ate up like a good boy does, and the bottom of the plate said we have a winner!
And so I asked the waiter why several Manga characters in the big painting at the center of the restaurant are holding scraps of paper in their hands… turns out these are kind of communication devices for the whereabouts of its individual owners.
Relevant: One Piece.

Elfriede Jelinek: Ich höre ein Ungeheuer atmen.
Sozialbetrug dann unmöglich, denn es wird nichts Soziales mehr geben.
American Oligarchy.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine triggered an unprecedented crackdown by the United States and other Western nations on the mansions, megayachts, and bank accounts of Russia’s ultrawealthy tycoons. Yet targeting Russia’s oligarchs surfaced some uncomfortable questions about our own political and financial systems and the people who shape them. So we thought it was time for a good, long look in the mirror.

Twine – An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.
You don’t need to write any code to create a simple story with Twine, but you can extend your stories with variables, conditional logic, images, CSS, and JavaScript when you're ready.
Twine publishes directly to HTML, so you can post your work nearly anywhere. Anything you create with it is completely free to use any way you like, including for commercial purposes.
The Software Engineering at Google book (“SWE Book”) is not about programming, per se, but about the engineering practices utilized at Google to make their codebase sustainable and healthy.
Deep down, many engineers secretly wish to be seen as geniuses (…) But hold on: time for a reality check. You’re probably not a genius.
One day in your life you’re going to switch.
Free and Open Source Photo Libraries.
So rede ich nicht!
G. hat mir von diesem Cartoon erzählt, das war nochmal (nicht) lustiger.

Open Spaces & Galleries im Volkskundemuseum.
In den Räumen der ehemaligen Dauerausstellung im Erdgeschoss richtet das Volkskundemuseum 2024 Open Spaces & Galleries für Akteur:innen ein, die an der Utopie einer postmigrantischen und diversen Gesellschaft arbeiten.
Relevant: Musik aus Strom.
How lovely, the world's smallest website is still online! 🥰