Outbound Link Summary:
Sunday, 10. December 12023
p3k dots

Barliman: Prototype smart text editor.

Given a set of tests for some function foo, Barliman tries to "guess" how to fill in an partially-specified definition of foo to make all of the tests pass.

SQLSync is a collaborative offline-first wrapper around SQLite (via sqlsync.dev).

The best way to get a feel for how SQLSync behaves is to play with the Todo list demo. Clicking this link will create a unique to-do list and redirect you to its unique URL. You can then share that URL with friends or open it on multiple devices (or browsers) to see the power of offline-first collaborative SQLite.

Glicol – Next-generation computer music language (via github.com).

make music with code. connect different nodes like a synth, sequencer or sampler.

Have I been Trained?

Garden Dog Barbecue! One Percent!!

Relevant: Café Malipop where I went last week and heard my first GoGo Penguin song (“Strid”).

DREAM – Цифрова екосистема для підзвітного управління відновленням.

DREAM збирає, упорядковує та публікує відкриті дані на всіх етапах проєктів відновлення в режимі реального часу, впроваджуючи найвищі стандарти прозорості та підзвітності. Будь-хто в будь-якому місці може контролювати результативність реалізації проєкту та використовувати цю інформацію для зменшення ризиків, створення точної звітності та покращення загальної ефективності проєкту.

Tuesday, 5. December 12023
p3k dots

I find these “image” galleries by The Onion really hilarious!

E.g. Everything Elon Musk Did While Visiting Israel:

Put His Arms In The Air And Shouted ‘Space Musk!’ But Failed To Blast Off. Someday the technology will catch up with his vision.

Or: Americans React To The Death Of Henry Kissinger:

“But he still had so many war crimes left in him.”

Superstar – The Karen Carpenter Story (1988).

Relevant: May December, the recent movie by Todd Haynes.

They hunted the mammoth so well.

Misogyny. I mock it.”

I find a lot of it in what's called the “manosphere,” a loose collection of Men's Rights, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and Pickup Artist (PUA) sites.

Spin up the CPU coolers!

Pure CSS Shaders Art.

At the intersection of art and bad performance.