Outbound Link Summary:
Tuesday, 5. December 12023
p3k dots

On The Web, Augmentation Wins in the Long Run.

HTML Web Components.

(…) the unique power of web components (in the browser) is that they can render before JavaScript. React components cannot do this — full stop.

Relevant: adactio.com.

Nach dem Krieg im Nahen Osten: Die Hassdynamiken umkehren.

Die Katastrophe liegt auf der Hand: ein Krieg ohne Ende. Was treibt diesen Krieg an? Was könnte dem entgegenwirken? Bei der Beantwortung dieser Fragen sollten wir unsere jeweiligen Rollen ehrlich bewerten: Tragen meine Ideen und Handlungen zur Deeskalation bei? Wenn nicht, könnten sie durchaus mitschuldig sein.


Binding Source Code Files Together Like A Book.

Add a table of contents in your code.

Selbstgemachte Berner Bretzeli (frz. Bricelets) von M. und ebensolcher Zaunerstollen von C. – mir völlig neue, jedenfalls sehr köstliche Back- und Süßwaren!

Zzyzx, California (via en.wikipedia.org).

Curtis Howe Springer made up the name Zzyzx and gave it to the area in 1944, claiming it to be the last word in the English language.

“You Want My Password or a Dead Patient?”

One example given is that one Electronic Health Record (EHR) system forces clinicians to prescribe blood thinners to patient meeting given criteria before they can end their session, even if the patient is already on blood thinners. So clinicians have to do a risky workaround where they order a second dose of blood thinners to log out (which is lethal if the patient gets it), quit the system, then log back in to cancel the second dose.

Relevant: “My $500M Mars Rover Mistake: A Failure Story.”

The birth & death of search engine optimization.

This would be a way to systematically churn out infinite amounts of bullshit that would not only drown out everything else, but allow you to sit back and do nothing as the money rolls in.

The Impossible Bottle is a beautiful, witty and enthralling text adventure I recently found by way of Linus Åkesson’s website – which itself is full of amazing wonders, my mind boggles!

Even better, it rekindled my past love for these kind of interactive storytelling – although I am not very good with solving such puzzles at all! But already the feeling I get after being immersed in the narrative (and this is such a brilliant one!) is priceless; something between excitement and suspense, between reading about what is going on and participating in the action, between this world and another 🕳

So I got hooked a bit and found some similar gems by Brian Rushton:

And then there is Chandler Groover, the titular saint of Grooverland, and his collection of interactive ficiton I still need to check out…

Relevant: Dial-a-SID (interactive non-fiction!)

Saturday, 25. November 12023
p3k dots

A list of one-liners showing the genius that is Steven Wright:

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.

70 Car Demolition Derby Knockout Tournament!

Hot Wheels Treadmill Race Cars.