Wir wollten ausloten, wie ein solidarisches Gesundheitswesen verantwortlich und fair mit dem Clash zwischen gefährlicher Pseudowissenschaft und Selbstbestimmung umgehen sollte. Um es deutlich zu sagen: Wir wollten den gegenwärtigen Irrsinn nicht länger hinnehmen.
Stacey “Hotwaxx” Hale: The Godmother of House Music.
The Motor City’s trailblazing DJ and producer gives a primer on her life as a gear nerd, music geek and Detroit treasure.
Relevant: Assembling a Black Counter Culture playlist.
Quint is a modern specification language that is a particularly good fit for distributed systems, such as blockchain protocols, distributed databases, and p2p protocols.
Quint combines the robust theoretical basis of the Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) with state-of-the-art type checking and development tooling.
Relevant: Leslie Lamport’s TLA+ Home Page.
How to present a paper (via lamport.azurewebsites.net).
List of sexually active popes.
Wikipedia – What article has the wildest name?

A curated list of awesome Live Coding Music frameworks, libraries and software.
Relevant: sounds.studio.

Kassandric Kendzior.
Last Chance Ride – Autocracy, democracy, and what’s in store for 2024.
They Knew came out in 2022. If the four-year pattern holds, its insights will become conventional wisdom in 2026. I recommend you get a copy before then, since They Knew is about — among other things — politicians plotting civil war and billionaire fanatics trying to carry out a manmade apocalypse.

Relevant: The Trump Timeline.

Mr Johnson* and die Wallners, die!
Die Wallners: In My Mind.
* ref. the movie “Afire” (“Roter Himmel”).
The metaverse economy: Is it real?
The brief (recent) history of reversing metaverse bets:
- January 2023: Microsoft shuts its virtual workspace AltSpaceVR.
- February 2023: Microsoft ends its industrial metaverse project a mere four months in, and fires 100 people. It also slashes staff from its VR headset HoloLens’ team.
- Also in February 2023: Chinese internet giant Tencent ditches plans to make VR hardware as a mature market for it appears to be many years off.
- March 2023: Meta pivots toward generative AI in its “year of efficiency.”
- Also in March 2023: Walmart shuts down a six-month-old branded space in the gaming world Roblox called Universe of Play.
- March 2023, again: Disney eliminates its Metaverse team, comprising of 50 people.
- June 2023: Google scraps its Project Iris for AR glasses, choosing to focus instead on AR software.