It cannot be stressed enough how important the message of this article is, especially to upcoming developers.
Writing Modern JavaScript without a Bundler.
Let's explore how we can build a website using many of the conveniences of a Vite app while remaining buildless.
Noch bis 16. Februar im Leopold Museum.
An Abridged History of Safari Showstoppers.
TL;DR: iOS Safari is more than an inconvenience for developers, it's the fundamental reason interoperability has been stymied in mobile ecosystems; frequent showstopping bugs, a large patch gap, and lack of competing engines ensures the web is not a credible competitor to native. Here are the receipts to prove it.
“Donald Trump is not a historical figure but is actually a compilation of 4 distinct sources.”
I thought my favorite thread in Twitter history had been deleted and lost forever, but it turns out my friend had screenshots.
— G.S. Quay (@hemingquay) December 22, 2024
See replies for the rest.
Relevant: Jean-Baptiste Pérès.
Lesen Sie hier alle News rund um Wirecard, den Wirecard-Skandal und den Wirecard-Prozess.
Gegen das insolvente Technologie- und Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Aschheim bei München sind ab dem Jahr 2020 Betrugsvorwürfe bekannt geworden, zu denen das Handelsblatt umfangreiche Recherchen angestellt hat. Seit Ende 2022 werden die Vorwürfe vor Gericht verhandelt. Im Mittelpunkt des Prozesses stehen die ehemaligen Konzernvorstände Markus Braun sowie Jan Marsalek.
The music industry repeats its history
The Ghosts in the Machine (of Spotify). Via
Spotify, I discovered, not only has partnerships with a web of production companies, which, as one former employee put it, provide Spotify with “music we benefited from financially,” but also a team of employees working to seed these tracks on playlists across the platform. In doing so, they are effectively working to grow the percentage of total streams of music that is cheaper for the platform. The program’s name: Perfect Fit Content (PFC).
Relevant: Mood Machine.
Relevant 2: Payola.
I once knew a Julius called AIn RandaLL-Munroe.
He was so self-confident during the presentation that the professors didn’t immediately notice the problem. He had started talking about the C virtual machine used in our project. He even showed a slide with an unknown logo and several random screenshots which had nothing to do with anything known in computing.
On Long Term Software Development.
(…) there is also still a huge world where people don’t appreciate such continuous changes combined with only a pretty good likelihood of things working. Software that controls (nuclear) power plants, elections, pacemakers, airplanes, bridges, heavy machinery. In general, stuff that can kill you if it does the wrong thing, or perhaps simply by not working.
Die Rede, die den Bundespräsidenten¹ wütend machte.
Sehr geehrter Herr Bundespräsident und bei allem Respekt: Auch das Nord-Stream-Projekt, an dem SPD und CDU so elend lange gegen alle fundierte Kritik festhielten, war nur insofern „eine Brücke“ – Ihre Worte noch vom Frühjahr 2022 – als dass es Putin in seinen Aggressionen zusätzlich ermutigte und zwar in seinem Kalkül, dass die Deutschen, ansonsten Weltmeister im Moralisieren, das lukrative Geschäft schon nicht sausen lassen würden, Ukraine hin oder her. Und wiederum war mit beträchtlicher Arroganz überhört worden, wie hellsichtig in Osteuropa gewarnt wurde.
¹ Frank-Walter Steinmeier
(…) a wonderful project that empowers young women in Kenya by providing washable sanitary towels. The H shape of the leaflet serves as sewing pattern.