Three wonderful comediennes:
Inkbase: Programmable Ink.
What would be possible if hand-drawn sketches were programmable like spreadsheets?
Keiner ist schneller.
Allegra Allergietabletten.
Allegra® Allergietabletten mit Bilastin sorgen für eine schnelle Linderung der Allergie-Symptome an Nase, Auge und Haut. 24 Stunden wirksam.
Advocates of tuning fork therapy report a wide range of benefits, including:
- Stress Reduction: The calming vibrations of tuning forks can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
- Pain Relief: By stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms, tuning fork therapy may alleviate chronic pain and discomfort.
- Improved Mental Clarity: Many people find that tuning fork sessions enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration.
- Emotional Healing: Tuning forks can help to release emotional blockages and promote emotional well-being.
“A Story About Jessica” by SwiftOnSecurity.
It's still too easy to find tech experts sneering when our neighbors suffer from malware, phishing, and data breaches, shaming victims for having inadequately protected themselves, as though the structural context is free of blame.
Learn Makefiles – With the tastiest examples.
Let’s Make A Simpler, More Accessible Web.
The increasing complexity of web development has an inverse relationship with the decreasing number of entry points for those getting into web development.
In "The Ministry for the Future," New Ideas From Ancient Wisdom.
(…) we don’t know what people living 300 years from now will need. Instead, we should focus on leaving them good institutions, which, I would argue, should include a healthy environment.
Flipdisc Display Build and Software Guide.
Despite being invented over 80 years ago, the underlying technology is mostly the same today.