The letter I in AI stands for Illusion.
Auf lock.
Akademics – Die Wissenschaftscomics der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Dataviz is still beautiful!
Retries – An interactive study of common retry methods.
Visually explore different methods of retrying requests to learn why some methods are dangerous and what the best practice is.
Karabiner is life changing tool that lets you remap keys at a low level on macOS. (Via lobste.rs.)
I completely remapped my keyboard with it and every key on my keyboard is a custom modifier key that I can program to do what I want.
Relevant: Goku is a tool that lets you manage your Karabiner configuration with ease.

Email obfuscation: What still works in 2023?
Relevant: 22 years ago.
Pure Functional Programming in Excel.
Relevant: Spreadsheets and Small Software.

Red is a next-gen programming language, strongly inspired by REBOL.

On OpenAI : Let Them Fight.
The story Altman had been telling was too good, too compelling. He will be far less effective at telling that story now. People are going to ask tougher questions of him and his peers. They might even ask follow-ups to his glib replies. I could hardly imagine a better outcome.

I sometimes use the nonsensical word hullaballa for bogus input or output in testing, like username, passwords, log messages etc.
Watching The Doors movie from 1991 (oh, the agony – oh, the hairdo!) I saw there was a music magazine called Hullabaloo, later renamed to Circus.
It does not seem to be the first magazine with this name; there is an article from a 1931(!) issue of Time Magazine stating:
When the incredible magazine which is now Ballyhoo was in preparation. Publisher George T. Delacorte Jr. wondered what to call it. He and Editor Norman Hume Anthony favored Hullabaloo for a title but were afraid it might infringe on the rights of Cartoonist Peter Arno whose book of last year bore that name.
I have no memory where I (mis)took hullaballa from; according to Merriam-Webster hullabaloo is a loud, continued noise or mixture of noises – synonymous to ballyhoo.

Notes to the talk rejected by RubyConf.
Language, perception, and empathy: Ukrainian's gaze.
(…) there is a repetitive story of how a struggle to state a few phrases of code clearer uncovers an architectural-layer problem, otherwise invisible through a massive of visibly clean code that follows the common style and gives descriptive names to everything and split into small methods yet loses “what was intended to say here” somewhere in the middle.
We mix our core beliefs and values, like “unprovoked aggression is bad” or “decoupling of concerns is good,” with the particular system of thinking which holds them currently, without noticing when it limits the ways we can look at the problem: “unprovoked aggression is bad, and there can’t be any serious war, it is just some dirty politics and news hype,” or “decoupling is good, and we should put every thing in either model, view, or controller.”