Poppy Family: Which Way You Goin’ Billy (1969).

What kind of pages get indexed?
Pages must be simple in design. Simple HTML, non-commerical sites are preferred.
Pages should not use much scripts/css for cosmetic effect. Some might squeak through.
Invisible Details of Interaction Design.
Design can feel like there's no science to it — only feel and intuition. Even researchers have trouble grounding interaction design practices in science, inherently treating them as a mysterious black box. While from my own experience that's partly true, I have been trying to deconstruct and dig out the why behind great displays of interaction design.
Yes, I am still running my own mailserver.
My Postfix / Dovecot installation works quite well – because I barely dare to touch its configuration. Sure, the terror regime of the big mail providers (“if you won‘t join us, we will consider your messages as spam”) is annoying as a billionaire, but nevertheless I still can communicate via e-mail reliably enough.
Now two new (at least for me) mailservers popped up in my variaus information channels:
- Stalwart is an ”open-source mail server solution with JMAP, IMAP4, and SMTP support (…) written in Rust”
- Mox is “a modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email” written in Go
Maybe a hint to try out both of them; I would be glad to get rid of main.cf
and sieves and such…
So far my career ladders had two rungs max.*
Career Ladders for Tech, Open Sourced.
Career laddering is a system used to show what expectations are at different levels of a role, a purpose of which can be defining how one might be promoted. I’ve personally found being transparent about expectations helpful as an Engineering Leader, but is only one supportive piece of a whole. It’s critical that career laddering docs are just one tool embedded in a deeper process.
* I think this is a good thing 😌
This article is part of the State Of Npm 2023 series. In this series, the Sandworm team delves deep into the current state of npm, unearthing fascinating statistics and unveiling intriguing facts about the registry.
Relevant: The massive bug at the heart of the npm ecosystem.
London TFL Dot Matrix Typeface: A set of dot matrix fonts in the style of TfL's Underground arrivals board.
A set of dot matrix fonts in the style of TFL's Underground network. Each font weight represents a unique typeface featured on TFL arrivals boards and rolling stock led announcement boards.

Fisch Ferienwohnung Forelle Strudel.
Beyond Browsers: The Longterm Future of JavaScript Standards.
These questions about what belongs in JavaScript runtimes both in and beyond the browser are one of the reasons the WinterCG (for Web Interopable Runtimes) community group at the W3C started last year: to focus on cross-runtime interoperability between browsers and non-browser runtimes, advocating for features important to serverside JavaScript environments that may not be as critical for browsers — which is all the charter for WHATWG covers.
The Minimum Common Web Platform API list is starting fairly modestly by documenting which Web Platform APIs are already implemented in Node.js, Deno, and Cloudflare Workers. But it’s also a first step towards a comprehensive unified API surface that JavaScript developers should be able to rely on in all Web-interoperable runtimes.