When Irish monks proselytized Bavaria.
She still rülez OK.
Lady Bitch Ray: Hengzt, Arzt, Orgi.
The song is a candid exploration of sexual desire and its manifestation in unconventional ways. It challenges societal norms and taboos around sex and exposes them as social constructs. The use of different characters and their unique sexual kinks creates a lively and engaging atmosphere, making the song an exciting and unusual experience for the listener.
Relevant: Droste hörst du mich?! – Keynote von Reyhan Şahin am Droste Festival 2020.
Wien ❤️
Wohnbuddy, Wohn-Plattform für Jung und Alt.
Vermittlung zwischen älteren Menschen sowie Senioren- und Pflegewohnhäusern und passenden Wohnpartnern; meist junge Menschen, die für günstigen Wohnraum gemeinsame Aktivitäten und Unterstützung im Alltag zur Verfügung stellen.
Command line invoice generator.
FLEEP: The Collected Comic (via en.wikipedia.org).
Relevant: Demon.
Every codebase is a home. Repos carry scars, arguments, memories, secrets, decorations, and sometimes graffiti.
A Closer Look at Portrait of Madame X by John Singer Sargent.
At the time, the painting was considered overly-sexual and provocative, mostly due to the off-the-shoulder dress strap (which he ended up painting over due to the controversy).

The demise of the nation state.
(…) we need to find new conceptions of citizenship. Citizenship is itself the primordial kind of injustice in the world. It functions as an extreme form of inherited property and, like other systems in which inherited privilege is overwhelmingly determinant, it arouses little allegiance in those who inherit nothing. Many countries have made efforts, through welfare and education policy, to neutralise the consequences of accidental advantages such as birth. But “accidental advantages” rule at the global level: 97% of citizenship is inherited, which means that the essential horizons of life on this planet are already determined at birth.
Schmutzige Rente: Klimaschützer wissen nichts von ihren Investitionen in Gas und Öl.
Wer sein Geld in Pensionsfonds steckt, läuft Gefahr, von klimaschädlichen Konzernen auch in Deutschland zu profitieren – unbewusst. Eine internationale Recherche unter Leitung von CORRECTIV legt erstmals die Verbindungen offen.
European Tramdriver Championship 2023.
If it`s true that nobody can resist an idea whose time has come, then the competition of the best European tram drivers will be one of the highlights of public life in the larger European cities.