Friday, 2. June 12023
p3k dots

Demnächst auch in Wendlingen.

Anja Luithle.


As defined by this website, a tiny app (application) is software weighing 1.44MB or less.


The film shows staff working in a prototype unit, which was almost certainly not fully functional. At (2:06) input devices such as s teletype / typewriter called Tactun and a map graph system which furnish data, called Grapton, are shown as well as a computer called the "MOBIDIC B" (short for "MOBIle DIgital Computer").

Clever Code Considered Harmful.

In the context of a shared codebase, good code is simple code. Code that doesn’t do anything fancy. Code that makes minimal use of abstractions. Code that you’d use to explain fundamental concepts to novices.


Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media. (Via

Prodigy, geocities,, MySpace, Friendster, Livejournal, Tumblr, Twitter. More besides. More next. And if one were to get big enough, like Facebook, this cycle doesn’t stop, it just sort of happens all at the same time without interruptions in service. All while we diaspora from site to site hoping there’s at least one more goddamned Diaryland Andrew out there who gives a fuck about the little universe they created and tempted human beings to set up their lives in.

Replace Diaryland Andrew with 🤔

Understanding systemd-resolved, Split DNS, and VPN Configuration.


Warum sich die Polizei nicht ändern wird.

Die Polizei wurde nicht geschaffen, um die Bevölkerung zu schützen und ihr zu dienen. Sie wurde nicht geschaffen, um Verbrechen zu verhindern, zumindest nicht so, wie es sich die meisten Menschen vorstellen. Und sie wurde sicher nicht geschaffen, um für Gerechtigkeit zu sorgen. Sie wurde geschaffen, um den neuen auf Lohnarbeit basierenden Kapitalismus, der Mitte bis Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts entstand, vor eben jener Bedrohung zu schützen, die dieses System hervorbrachte: der Arbeiterklasse.

JavaScriptLandia – A home for those who <3 JavaScript.

Relevant: The OpenJS Foundation’s mission is to drive broad adoption and ongoing development of key JavaScript solutions and related technologies.

The Vela incident was an unidentified double flash of light detected by an American Vela Hotel satellite on 22 September 1979 near the South African territory of Prince Edward Islands in the Indian Ocean, roughly midway between Africa and Antarctica. (Via Bouvet Island.)

Sunday, 21. May 12023
p3k dots

Prince and the revolution.

In wiretapped phone conversations German security services heard one of the co-conspirators discussing how deaths “were bound to happen” during the coup. The prince allegedly remarked gleefully: “We’re going to crush them! The fun is over.”

#Reichsbürger #Neofascists