Saturday, 22. July 12023
p3k dots

Aiga Rasch (via

Aiga Rasch war (…) die Illustratorin aller von 1970 bis 1999 publizierten drei ???-Bücher


Instagram cofounder on Mark Zuckerberg.

will he go into destroy mode if I say no


Python Pitfall: Mutable Default Arguments

The core issue is that in Python, the value of a default argument is evaluated only once, when the function is declared. The default argument syntax count = {} causes the Python interpreter to create an empty dictionary, but it’s the same dictionary object every time the function is called.

The EU – especially Germany’s Fraport – is screwing Greece so hard!

Desperate to escape debt, Greece is forced to sell off its major infrastructure.

If EU and IMF policies continue to fail, the burden will once again fall on the people.

Subplot: P. told me about this, and when I was searching for sources using a more expletive term, one of the results led me to a content spoof vulnerability of one of the biggest German news outlets. (Screenshots: search result, spoofed content)

Relevant?EMU entry is an irreversible step. Once a currency enters, its identity is extinguished.”

Subplot ⅱ: This one I found while looking for test patterns for testing displays and printers.

見ざる, 聞かざる and 言わざる

TIL the three wise monkeys have names, and there sometimes is a fourth one, Sezaru (“do no evil” or “smell no evil”).

How Nonviolence Protects the State.

The entire idea that violence is masculine, or that revolutionary activism necessarily excludes women, queers, and trans people is, like other premises of nonviolence, based on historical whitewashing. Ignored are the Nigerian women occupying and sabotaging petroleum facilities; the women martyrs of the Palestinian intifada; the queer and transgender warriors of the Stonewall Rebellion; the innumerable thousands of women who fought for the Vietcong; women leaders of Native resistance to European and US genocide; Mujeres Creando (Women Creating), a group of anarcha-feminists in Bolivia; and British suffragettes who rioted and fought against cops. Forgotten are the women from the rank and file to the highest levels of leadership among the Black Panther Party, the Zapatistas, the Weather Underground, and other militant groups. The idea that fighting back somehow excludes women is absurd. Not even the history of the pacified white “First World” bears it up because even the most effective patriarchy imaginable could never prevent all transgender people and all women from militantly fighting against oppression.

Where we are going we don’t need RSS.

DevURLs – A neat developer news aggregator.

Read programming news from the most popular programming websites in one place.

Sunday, 4. June 12023
p3k dots

Reality Winner.

Just saw Tina Satter’s movie adaptation of her piece, “Is this a room?”… boy, that is claustrophobic and intense! One can wonder in astonishment about the failed US state and even the failed US media while fascistoid and kafkaesque chills run down the spine.

Reality Winner deserves a medal.

No one has ever received a longer sentence for leaking classified information to a media outlet.

Saturday, 3. June 12023
p3k dots

Franz Schuh über Reinhardt-Seminar: »Verkommenheit des Kulturbetriebs«.

Der Ruf nach dem Internationalen, da sollte man vorsichtig sein, ist nicht selten selbst ein Merkmal der Provinzialität.

Git out?

Fossil is a simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system (…)

This entire website is just a running instance of Fossil. The pages you see here are all wiki or embedded documentation or (in the case of the download page) unversioned files. When you clone Fossil from one of its self-hosting repositories, you get more than just source code - you get this entire website.

(Via and