For Hyd, music is a vessel for material transformation.
Hyd (…) derives its name from a chlorophyll-
based material that they developed as part of their multidisciplinary artistic practice. It made its public debut in their 2018 show inside darkness there are no lines, where Hyd displayed a 77- foot fountain containing the eponymous material—a unique formula which slowly changed over the course of the exhibition, turning from liquid to solid.
Relevant: Hey QT.
Gewalt live in New York City 2023.
Low Code Software Development Is A Lie (via lobste.rs).
The reality is that most clients are not professional problem solvers, whereas that is precisely what Software Developers do. It therefore falls upon our shoulders to validate the approach suggested by the client before we possibly waste both their time and money developing it.

Slave to the rhythm.
The Extraordinary Ways Rhythm Shapes Our Lives..
The human brain apprehends rhythm at the same deep level as it understands space, time, and language. Rhythm is a common denominator of these domains. We sense regularities in spatial things, repetition in temporal things, metre in spoken things. Our bodies live by circadian rhythms. Our minds seek patterns and form expectations. Rhythm is central to our comfort and happiness
Introducing vmdiff: a tool to find everything that changes on your computer.
How Paris Pulled Off What New York and London Can Only Dream About.
“Since about 10 years ago, we’ve noticed that we have fewer and fewer cars in our garages,” said Sébastien Fraisse, the head of Indigo France. “The traffic drops a few percentage points each year. Evidently, in the long term, it could have massive effects.” Even as the city has eliminated street parking and repriced meter rates to force commuters into garages, the trend toward fewer cars is overwhelming.

The conspiratorial right has a wide agenda, but at the center of it is inflicting cruelty on children: cutting school budgets, opposing paid parental leave, forcing people to bear children they don’t want and can’t care for, torturing trans and queer kids, kidnapping migrant children and permanently separating them from their families, making excuses for political and spiritual leaders who rape and traffick children, and, of course, ensuring that as many children as possible die by gun violence.
The Moral Economy of High-
Perhaps the most important consequence of high-
tech modernism for the contemporary moral political economy is how it weaves hierarchy and data- gathering into the warp and woof of everyday life, replacing visible feedback loops with invisible ones, and suggesting that highly mediated outcomes are in fact the unmediated expression of people’s own true wishes.
Science sleuths solve century-
A toxin which makes pigs vomit is the surprising key which has unlocked the century-
old mystery of the origins of a Martian meteorite, and the possible identity of the Black student who discovered it.
Leonie Pernet featuring Hanaa Ouassim at Paris CDG airport.