Wednesday, 26. April 12023
p3k dots

Delightful activitypub development.

A curated list of developer resources related to ActivityPub and the Fediverse.

Join the spirited debate at a women’s hair salon before a pivotal election in Tunisia.

Captured by the Tunisian director Sarra El Abed, the film features a spirited group of women, including El Abed’s grandmother, as they discuss, debate and try to make sense of the slate of 26 candidates vying for the presidency in the first round of votes.

What The Last of Us, Snowpiercer and 'climate fiction' get wrong.

We've long held that people are just lacking information about climate change and that's why they're not acting. But now we're starting to see the opposite: that the more you know – if the knowing is mainly bad news – the more paralysed and hopeless you feel.

Relevant: Imagine 2200.

Sunday, 16. April 12023
p3k dots

Truly 'Uncharted Territory.' (via

South Pole to Planet Earth: Drop Dead.

»Meine Mutter starb an Brustkrebs – und auch ich trage das Gen in mir.«

Meine Mutter ist sauer. Meine Mutter ist nicht lange sauer deswegen, sie hat andere Probleme. Sie hat keine Zeit, keine Kraft mehr dafür, meine Mutter ist schwer krank. Sie ist 34 Jahre alt und hat Brustkrebs. Der Krebs ist, wie sich Jahrzehnte später bestätigen wird, genetisch bedingt.

Saturday, 15. April 12023
p3k dots

Join the waitlist 🙄

The AT Protocol (via

The Authenticated Transfer Protocol, aka ATP, is a protocol for large-scale distributed social applications.

Infrastructure that looks like Sci-fi.

Montiecello Dam’s morning-glory-type spillway, known as the Glory Hole
Montiecello Dam’s morning-glory-type spillway, known as the Glory Hole

No frameworks were harmed in the creation of this article.

Rethinking the Modern Web.

Web-native development5 is an approach to web development that sees the web platform as an enabler in the whole application story, and in fact, a fundamental key to succeeding at each phase of that story - from authoring to runtime! This comes as a hard reset to the decade-long cultural shift and its pessimistic take on the web platform!

Krazy Kat (Comic Strip).

The story revolves around the title character and his/her (gender is never set, and strips often switch between the two, sometimes in the middle of one comic) obsessive love with the downright evil Ignatz Mouse, who hates Krazy and loves nothing more than to throw bricks at his/her head. Krazy being, well, crazy, takes this as a sign of love. In the meanwhile, Krazy Kat is actually loved by, of all things, a dog — Offissa Bull Pupp, a police officer who is ever vigilant of Krazy and makes it his life purpose to prevent Ignatz from throwing bricks at all, hauling him off to jail when he's caught in the act.

Relevant: Victim, Persecutor or Rescuer – Which Role Do You Play in the Drama Triangle?

Awesome console services.

A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols).