Saturday, 7. September 12024
p3k dots

New album by The The: Ensoulment.

No release on Bandcamp? Tickets sold via Ticketmaster? May I be slightly disappointed, nevertheless?

Fig wasp.

Forcing her way through the ostiole, the mated mature female often loses her wings and most of her antennae. (…) After the female wasp lays her eggs and follows through with pollination, she dies.

Relevant: Endless Forms – The Secret World of Wasps. By Seirian Sumner (Thanks for the tip, P.)

Relevant 2: The #wasplove game.

😔 / 😡

The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman.

In this blog post, I will attempt to describe the system within which I exist as a moderately successful computer scientist and woman. I will highlight the fallacies that lead to women (1) leaving tech, (2) generally being anxious in our society, and (3) experiencing horrific harassment and misogyny.

Relevant: Gisèle Pelicot, drugged by her husband so others could rape her, is a woman 'still standing'.

Relevant 2: Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei dies after being set alight by ex-boyfriend.

Race to the WH – Predictions for the 2024 US Presidential Elections.

A live data-driven election forecast predicting the winner of the election. Interactive and Updated Daily. One of the Most Accurate Election Forecasters in 2020 and 2022.

There is no general closed-form solution to the three-body problem. Below are 20 examples of periodic solutions to the three-body problem.
byu/-AMARYANA- ininterestingasfuck
Saturday, 31. August 12024
p3k dots

Ich habe gelesen:

  • Vom Ende der Einsamkeit (Benedict Wells)
  • Herkunft (Saša Stanišić)
  • Geschichte der Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert (Norbert Huse)
  • Das Café ohne Namen (Robert Seethaler)
  • The Trilogy of Two (Juman Malouf)
Monday, 19. August 12024
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Menschliche Denkfalle: Darf’s ein bisschen weniger sein?

Überhaupt beruhen einige der größten Menschheitserfolge ja auf dem Weglassen fragwürdiger Ideen. Von Blei im Benzin über das ozonschädigende FCKW-Gas in Kühlschränken bis zu „Atomkraft? Nein danke!“. Ein guter Grund, Befürchtungen kritisch zu hinterfragen, die sich um das Weglassen drehen.

Sunday, 18. August 12024
p3k dots

The Door Problem.

One of the reasons I like this example is because it’s so mundane. There’s an impression that game design is flashy and cool and about crazy ideas and fun all the time. But when I start off with, “Let me tell you about doors…” it cuts straight to the everyday practical considerations.

Thursday, 15. August 12024
p3k dots

Groucho Marx on comics and depression.

After you have seen Grock, I am sure you will be much happier.

An article full of modern crony capitalism’s insanities.

Apple vs the “free market”.

Apple netted $97b on revenues of $383b last year. If Apple had to pay a 30% app store tax on that gross revenue, it would be down $115b, for a net loss of $18b.
