Outbound Link Summary:
Wednesday, 14. August 12024
p3k dots

Let’s Make A Simpler, More Accessible Web.

The increasing complexity of web development has an inverse relationship with the decreasing number of entry points for those getting into web development.

In "The Ministry for the Future," New Ideas From Ancient Wisdom.

(…) we don’t know what people living 300 years from now will need. Instead, we should focus on leaving them good institutions, which, I would argue, should include a healthy environment.

Flipdisc Display Build and Software Guide.

Despite being invented over 80 years ago, the underlying technology is mostly the same today.

Source: flipdisc.io

Strategies to fight dashboard rot.

Are your dashboards providing value to your users, or are they rotting away into obscurity?

Val Plumwood.

In "Human vulnerability and the experience of being prey" (1995), Plumwood describes how she survived an attack by a saltwater crocodile on 19 February 1985, and the radical change this experience brought about in her view of the world, from what she called the "individual justice universe", where humans are always the predators, to the "Heraclitean universe", where we are just another part of the food chain.

The Elegance of the ASCII Table.

(…) the choices made in deciding what streams of ones and zeroes would represent which characters expose a refined logic. It’s aesthetically pleasing, and littered with historical artefacts that teach us a hidden history of computing.

Friday, 9. August 12024
p3k dots

Hasskommentare richtig melden – eine Anleitung.

Wer Verhetzung, Bedrohung, Beleidigung bei Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X melden will, sollte aufpassen: Die Melde-Formulare der Plattformen sind kompliziert. Hier eine Übersicht, wie man strafbare Hasskommentare geschickt melden kann.

Ich bewunder Ingrid Brodnig für Ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz für ein rücksichtsvolles Web.

JSBench – Performance Benchmarking Playground for JavaScript.

Where is the Riviera of the Anthropocene?

Climate Zones.

Explore how will your city feel in the future.

Source: pudding.cool

This will break my layout.


It broke GitHub, too, go figure. Antville needs some fresh CSS love, though.